Artifact:  While preparing the slides for the presentation, we choose a  unique topic,  Can we learn the second language? It’s basically about the use of body language in the business, every member of the group present different points and views about this topic, I am favoring the use of body language in job interviews. Because I think it’s crucial in our daily life. For example: In a job interview, the candidate who smiles and sits properly, they reflect that they are confident.

One more interesting fact about the presentation, it makes me punctual, and I know how to manage time in a day, I think this is very beneficial for me in my coming future. I feel very shy while presenting, that’s why I decided to practice in front of the mirror at home, it boosts my confidence. We practice a lot, but we never meet, we just video chat. Still, I am nervous, I think my legs are shivering. I think I need to join in the presentation activities  more and more so that’s why I can boost my confidence, Also I want to become a teacher for that I must have good speaker skills, i think i have to present more through all my semesters in university in that way i can become a good speaker. A good speaker is the foundation of a good instructor and group presentation. To get rid of my shyness, one thing I can do I can start talking in class like asking a question from my professor and I need more practice for my presentation.


What you have written here is actually a reflection.  A good artifact for this reflection would be your presentation slides or if you recorded a video of your presentation you could have uploaded it here.  In another course I recommend that you record your presentation and then you can upload it to your eportfolio:)